Zoophobia Wiki

RainbowLimenade RainbowLimenade 21 March 2024

this wiki is missing a lot of characters

i might start working on some pages for characters that haven't been added to this wiki yet! if anyone would like to help me that'd be great!

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JohnnyFiveAces JohnnyFiveAces 4 January 2024

I swear to God

I had an OCD breakdown trying to fix this place for the night, will alter and correct more tomorrow. Was more focused on replacing or adding images in the moment, because SHEESH, a lot was either missing or low quality. Which is no shame on the people who had put their effort forward, was commendable. But I really don't like seeing things in such an unfortunate state.

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NiceGuy221 NiceGuy221 3 July 2023

uhh test


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Quest to Adopt this Wiki

This wiki is pretty much dead. Discussions are dead and there are like 0 admins. So Im on a mission to edit enough and be active enough to adopt this wiki and make some changes in terms of activity. I love Zoophobia and am admins on other wikis so I have this in my palm

  • Day One: 182 edits 11 posts
  • Day Two: 186 edits 11 posts
  • Day Three: 341 edits 13 posts
  • Day Four:
  • Day Five:
  • Day Six:
  • Day Seven:
  • Overall Edit Count:
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A Fandom user 29 November 2020

Rusty x autumn fanfiction

it was the end of another fight betwin rusty and autumn and will autumn was walking home rusty came up behide him and hugged him very passionately i might add and he said "thanks doe-boy." blussing autumn hugged back... (flashback) rusty: hey pussy what ya up to!? jack: nothing! rusty: ha well see about that puss! before rusty could do anything to jack a soft male voice said "cut it out rubin!" rusty know who it was and said "ha what ya think your gonna do about it doe-boy!" autumn: hmmm im suprised your not upset i called you..." blussing rusty just said "ugh get out of my fucking face nerd!" running away from jack a autumn all he said was a wisper "why do you have to so hot." and jack just left autumn there alone once again "a thank you…

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LatexWolfPuro LatexWolfPuro 26 April 2021

Zoophobia characters play among us (Roleplay)

Basically the characters are playing among us

Zill: @Yeetyeetimapro (Orangeish yellow)

Jack: (Brown)

Kayla: (Orangeish brown)

Vanexa: (Purple)

Spam: (Red and white)

Ruben: (Yellow)

Autumn: (Orangeish red)

Venex: @StormystarOfStormclan (black and light blue)

Vandrax: @StormystarOfStormclan (Gray)

Von Chravik: @StormystarOfStormclan (green)

Kami: @Yeetyeetimapro (Black)

The fourth: @StormystarOfStormclan (Black, gray, and red)

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LatexWolfPuro LatexWolfPuro 26 April 2021

Zoophobia roleplay page


Kayla: StormystarOfStormclan








Villains: (my ocs)

The fourth: StormystarOfStormclan

Venex: StormystarOfStormclan

Vandrax: StormystarOfStormclan

Von Chravik: StormystarOfStormclan

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Foxesareboss Foxesareboss 2 November 2020

My newest addiction

heh so I watched the series Zoophobia and it was super fun! I couldn't fully understand it because the words for some character were quite blurry like for Damian and the vampires.

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TheSteamDragon1 TheSteamDragon1 25 October 2020

Suggestion for the Wiki

I think it would be a good idea to add a category called "Unknown Species" for characters of an unknown species. Anyone agree?

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Omnipotentking103 Omnipotentking103 5 October 2020

Who is the main lead protagonist of zoophobia

I wanted to ask who is the main lead protagonist of the zoophobia series I need to know it cameron or the orginal five(Zill Kayle Jack Spam and Vanexa) or is addson or even damian I just need to know so if anyone knows please comment

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Spyro1996 Spyro1996 1 October 2020

Is this character from the comic

If so, what's her name>

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TMoalrecod TMoalrecod 5 January 2020

What if? Kaycey and Alastor (from Hazbin Hotel) and Timber (from Timber) were a family

I saw a shipping about Alastor and Kaycey being a couple and i saw a VivziePop short film call Timber and the character ears (Timber) remind me of Alastor ears and i imagine all three of them as a family.

Kaycey and Alastor got married and they have a child and they name her Timber and she is Half demon and Half Deity and even though she haven't yet unleash both her demon or deity powers yet but she does have the same personality and the same appearnce from the short film and she does a few ways Alastor do things and what Kaycey do things.

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ObsessedDedenne ObsessedDedenne 27 September 2020

The Addison dictionary

Addison - the cutest bean ever's name.
Adorable - what Addison is.
Affectionate - how Addi behaves towards certain people.
Bean - Addison's species.
Beep - probably a noise Addison makes.
Boop - what everyone wants to do to Addison's nose.                                                                                                      Bork - another noise he should make.
Cat - the name of one of the animals Addison is mixed with.
Cute - the only possible way to describe Addison.
Doofus - what Addison is when it comes to guys.
Fabulous - Addison's hair is this exact word.
Fluffy - Again, Addison's tail..
Fox - another animal Addison is mixed with.
Gay - Addison's sexuality.
Green - Addison's colour scheme.
Grape - he looks li…

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ObsessedDedenne ObsessedDedenne 27 September 2020


So I'm dubbed the Addison fangirl.... Yep. On all my social media i've either been called "Addison fangirl" or "Addison lover" XD

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Coolkitty849 Coolkitty849 15 March 2016


I am going to make like a ton of edits to this wiki, and i am a new person at wiki and if anyone sees this and knows some answers, please answer some of  these questions

How do i add a page into a catagoery ( like if i want to put the page Cameron in the Characters categoery )

how do i make that box thing on the side

Those are all of the questions i have for now but i might put more in the comments

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