Zoophobia Wiki

Simon is a vampire fox and willing servant of Venganza. He is the eldest brother of Leonardo and Vincent, and the caretaker of Francesa, Bambi, and Pepper. He is a mischievous and rogue vampire who broke into Safe Haven to cause trouble alongside his mistress.


Simon has an appearance of a grey fox[1][2] with oversized ears and large red eyes that glow slightly. The fur on his ears, legs—with the exception of his paws, which are red—and tail is a much darker shade of grey than the rest of his body.


Not much is known about Simon's past. In the comic, it is mentioned that he had been to Berlin with his mistress before arriving in Safe Haven through unknown means[3].

It is currently unknown how he became a vampire.


Simon prefers to forego caution when given the opportunity to dominate someone, or to get back at someone in the name of revenge. This impulsiveness has already led to his capture once, but that turn of events did not seem to temper Simon's playful sarcasm, loyalty, or arrogant attitude. During the interrogation Simon aimed to terrify his captors with the answers.



Simon is Venganza's loyal servant.

Leonardo and Vincent[]

He doesn't spend much time with his younger brothers ever since he became a rogue vampire. He does often miss them though

Francesca, Bambi, and Pepper[]

He is known to be the caretaker of the three vampire sisters, who were often rumored to be distant relatives of Venganza as well. He be sure to protect them at all costs. Despite him being a narcissistic man himself, he had pretty much raised them well.


Fabian used to be on good terms with Simon, but their relationship crumbled eventually, possibly due to Simon's vampirism.


  • Despite being the older brother of two identical anthropomorphic foxes, Simon walks on all four of his legs like an ordinary fox does.
  • Simon has referred to himself as a "demon", possibly implying that this is an umbrella term for "evil" monsters.[4]


  • Simon/Gallery